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Tea No 559

Masala Chai Base Tea

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Masala Chai Base Tea

Black Tea

A highly recommended choice for this purpose is BOP blend black tea.
Assam tea is renowned for its strong, malty flavour and robust character, making it an excellent choice to balance the milk and spices in masala chai. Its boldness can effortlessly cut through the creamy texture of the milk while still allowing the spices to shine.

Here are some essential attributes of our Assam black tea blend for your masala chai:

Bold and Robust Flavour:

Assam black tea offers a bold and robust flavour profile that perfectly complements the creaminess of the milk and the aromatic spices, ensuring your masala chai retains its full-bodied taste.

Creamy Harmony

The inherent richness of Assam tea seamlessly complements the velvety texture of the milk, creating a delightful fusion of flavours.

Abundant Caffeine

This Assam tea blend is naturally rich in caffeine, providing the necessary vitality to kickstart your day or keep you alert and focused.

Versatile Elegance

It’s a versatile choice that can be tailored to your preferences by adjusting the quantity of tea leaves and spices used.

For crafting your masala chai, you can utilize approximately 1 heaped teaspoons of Assam black tea leaves per cup of water and gently simmer it with milk and your preferred spices. This will yield a potent and flavourful masala chai that masterfully balances the elements of tea, milk, and spices.


10g, 50g, 100g, 500g, 1 KG

Dietary & Lifestyle

No Added Sugar, No Almonds, No Gelatine, No Milk, No Nuts, No Soya

Milk Suitable


Best time to drink

Morning, Afternoon

Tea leaf strength


Taste Guide

Full-Bodied, Malty

Country of Origin


Black Tea

Shipping and Returns

UK Flat-rate £4.80 incl. VAT*
UK Free delivery for orders over £30*
(*48hrs service / see F.A.Q page)


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Please be aware that for orders outside the U.K. import expenses may incur. We recommend checking your government’s official website for specific details regarding these potential costs.


Kindly be aware that food products are non-returnable.
For additional information, please refer to our Terms and Conditions page.

Allergens Note: All teas and food products are packed in an environment that contains nuts and other allergens.

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