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Tea No 641

Baked Apple



20% Off 100g Bags - Infusions only!

Backed Apple

Fruit Infusion

A Taste of Tradition and Comfort

Our Baked Apple Fruit Infusion is more than just a tea; it’s a sensory experience that transports you to cherished moments by the hearth. Whether you enjoy it hot or as a refreshing iced tea, it’s a delightful way to celebrate the soothing embrace of a baked apple dessert, minus the calories. With each cup, you’ll relish the comfort of home and the warmth of tradition.

Savor the delightful warmth of a cozy kitchen with each sip of our Baked Apple Fruit Infusion. This caffeine-free blend is a symphony of flavours and aromas, expertly crafted to capture the essence of a freshly baked apple pie. From the first whiff to the last drop, it’s a comforting journey you’ll want to experience year-round.

A Flavourful Medley

Apple Bliss: At the heart of this infusion are luscious apple pieces, handpicked for their sweetness and crispness. They create a solid foundation for the blend, ensuring every cup bursts with apple goodness.

Hibiscus Tang: Hibiscus blossoms add a delightful tanginess and a vibrant ruby hue to the brew. They complement the apple’s sweetness and create a harmonious balance of flavours.

Berry Essence: Elderberries and rose hip peel infuse the infusion with fruity complexity. Their natural sweetness and subtle tartness lend a berry-rich depth to the blend.

Mistletoe Magic: Mistletoe, known for its mild, earthy notes, adds a touch of enchantment to the infusion. It’s a nod to tradition and folklore, making each cup all the more intriguing.

Cinnamon Spice: Cinnamon rods, along with a hint of cloves, bring the warm, comforting spices of a baked apple dessert. They dance on your palate, creating a sensation of indulgence.

Nutty Elegance: Planed almonds provide a nutty creaminess to the infusion, mimicking the sensation of biting into a slice of apple pie.

Versatility in a Cup: One of the joys of our Baked Apple Infusion is its year-round appeal. Whether you’re sipping it in the crispness of autumn, the frost of winter, or the warmth of summer, it’s a comforting companion.


10g, 50g, 100g, 500g, 1 KG

Taste Guide

Fruity, Spiced, Sweetness: Soft, Warming

Milk Suitable


Dietary & Lifestyle

No Added Sugar, No Caffeine, No Gelatine, No Milk, No Nuts, No Soya

Best time to drink

Afternoon, Evening


Vegan (select for blends only)

Aroma Guide

Apple, Biscuit, Cinnamon

Country of Origin

Blends of Multiple Origins

Brewing time
4 minutes
Brewing temperature
Teaspoons per cup
1 teaspoon
Teaspoons per litre
3 teaspoons

Apple Pieces, Hibiscus Blossoms, Elderberries, Rose Hip Peel, Apple Slices, Mistletoe, Cinnamon Rods, Planed Almonds, Flavouring, Cloves.

Allergens in bold.

Shipping and Returns

UK Flat-rate £4.80 incl. VAT*
UK Free delivery for orders over £30*
(*48hrs service / see F.A.Q page)


For international orders, kindly provide your address details at the checkout process to receive a shipping quote.
Please be aware that for orders outside the U.K. import expenses may incur. We recommend checking your government’s official website for specific details regarding these potential costs.


Kindly be aware that food products are non-returnable.
For additional information, please refer to our Terms and Conditions page.

Allergens Note: All teas and food products are packed in an environment that contains nuts and other allergens.

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